The Cloisters was so disappointing to me so I appreciate you offering another book suggestion for it!

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Thank you for making me feel less alone in this view!

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Loved all of this! And thank you for the mention and kind words.

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Thank you! I love reading your work. Canceling a few subscriptions so I can get behind that paywall. 🫠😬 But budgets be budgets!

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I get it (really I do!) and appreciate your support in any way. (And if you ever want a comp, even if it’s temporary, let me know. I give away lots and am happy when people can read and enjoy.)

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That is so very kind but what would be most helpful would be if you could amplify one of my posts with a restack or something similar. As difficult and cringey as I find promotion... I really do want to build a readerly community on this platform--so we can all read Jilly Cooper's Rivals together (extremely *niche* interest, I know) and maybe, one day soon, your novel!

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Apr 18Liked by Tara Bañuelos

Interesting to read your take on Jessica McCabe's book! I also have ADHD (there seem to be a lot of us on here LOL) and one read I found *revelatory* was How to Keep House While Drowning by KC Davis. As someone who struggles especially keeping up with self-care / life admin tasks (cleaning, cooking, organizing, paying bills etc) it was honestly so huge for me. It changed the way I do (and perhaps more importantly, think about) care tasks.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18Author

This has been on my list for a long-time but one of the ways I coped by not being medicated as a child/young adult was by becoming neurotically organized and cleaning all the time. Therefore I've always wondered if this book would be useful. I do still struggle with financial tasks and procrastination, so perhaps it would be? I like Ned Hallowell's work a lot. Maybe a roundup of ADHD books would help us Substackers.

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Apr 18Liked by Tara Bañuelos

I was the same about many things!! For me I was really neurotic and rigid about self-care routines like exercise because without it I felt like my life would fall apart. What I liked in KC's book was there's this whole section on the idea that "care tasks are morally neutral" - i.e. you're not a good or bad person for being tidy (or not tidy). That was a message I needed to hear.

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I'm so excited for the new Janice Hallett! I love an epistolary novel and think her mysteries are so clever and compelling.

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ME TOO. I finished the Appeal last night, and I'm starting the Twyford Code today. This might be an obsession...

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As someone who also spent too long googling the end of None of This is True I'm so glad to see I'm not alone. I've also added a bunch of these to my TBR so thanks! I kept on with the podcast thriller theme and did Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintara next and had a good time with the audiobook.

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Oooh thank you for the suggestion!

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Apr 19Liked by Tara Bañuelos

You had me at East Asian stationary (those pinwheel magnets!!) but rest assured I read all the way to the very end. 😻

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I have had a stationary post in the works for weeeeeks. I’m agonizing over it. Who knew paper and pen was so serious. Thank you so much for reading all the way through, that means a lot.

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Apr 27Liked by Tara Bañuelos

On the pole : try book 2 if you can get it from the library.

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