deletedApr 10Liked by Tara Bañuelos
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I would LOVE to hear how you go with West Heart Kill. If you like it, I think I have many more recommendations for you. (And if you don't, still true because that book is polarizing). I'm so, so, so happy (touched?) to hear someone read my writing with a cup of tea in front of them. That's my favorite way to take in a newsletter too. If you're going to read Maas, I would just start with ACOTAR and if that doesn't speak to you... stop (relatively immediately).

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Apr 5Liked by Tara Bañuelos

Loved this, Tara! I'm struggling to get through my rereading challenge because I'm such a mood reader. I knew this was going to happen which was why I was hesitant to put it out in the universe. Now I feel like I'm forced to read a book which is never a fun experience.

These reviews this month were helpful! I have a few of these books on my TBR.

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I’m so very happy to hear this. I love helping fellow readers. More mood reviews to come!

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Apr 5Liked by Tara Bañuelos

I'm impressed with how you read across such different genres! That's something I would like to push myself to do more. Looking forward to more roundup lists!!

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Reading widely is wonderful but it also makes it hard to know what to read next—why I ended up needing a reading life intervention (more to come on that) and why I was so motivated to share my reading life in this very specific format!

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Apr 6Liked by Tara Bañuelos

I love this concept. I once read The Woman In Black by Susan Hill in one sitting on a rainy day and it was perfect. I could not have read a book about a beach holiday, say, in that same setting. I've never thought of such things as 'mood reading' before but that's definitely what it is!

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I (obviously) completely agree!

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This resonated deeply! I do something similar with an *it's giving* for each book and 3 things that speak to the mood or vibe of the book. Love how you set the scene here with the moods, very handy for us mood readers!

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Thank you! And I can't wait to check out your roundups!

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Jun 4Liked by Tara Bañuelos

Meh plus made me laugh aloud.

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Omg LOVE THIS and subscribed immediately! I too struggle with my own newsletter in feeling like there’s already so much out there, but you are so right about the ~vibes~ and as a fellow mood reader this is exactly what I want to know about a book. Don’t care what genre or what it’s about! I wanna know if I should wait for snowstorm cozy weather or if a book feels like a foggy summer night or like you’re eating pie in a grandma’s house. More books on vibes alone!!!

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