Apr 2Liked by Tara Bañuelos

I think you've described it perfectly when you talk about a "flattening" of culture. It makes a kind of homogeneity of opinion because we're all consuming the same sort of "meh" art and having the same sort of "meh" opinions about it. Excited to see where you take your newsletter next!!

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2Author

Thank you so much! Next up, we have a personal essay about an *Indian* TV show that I feel absolutely rapturous about. No more room for mehs here--after an extended period of burnout, I'm finally *feeling* again and I want to feel it all.

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Apr 2Liked by Tara Bañuelos

Yes!! No more meh!! Very excited to read about it.

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I feel this so, so much (and I also have and unashamedly love my Stanley cup). I'm always so surprised at the sheer amount of unsolicited advice and recommendations I get, as a not famous person on the internet- it's slowly been creeping into pet peeve territory and It think that feeling comes from ALREADY feeling so overwhelmed by the amount of recs shoved in our face each day. I'm very much in a "if I want or need a rec, I'll ask" kind of place right now, and it's frustrating to feel like I have no control over that. (semi-related sidetone: when did everyone lose the sense and meaning of hyperbole? Surely every single recommendation cannot be the BEST or MOST AMAZING thing you've never tried??)

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also, wow, typed this as a rant and much too quickly so please forgive the typos!

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Ha, on hyperbole, so true. I can't *begin* to imagine what its like with your role as a creative person on the internet... in addition to being inundated with recommendations from others (and possibly a homogenized aesthetic) when you're creating a personalized space for a client, you're also probably expected to share every cute pub, interesting historic house, or antique store you've ever visited! And maybe you would like to keep some of those for yourself? Partly because what you love about it is specific it to *you*? Not everyone needs to love a Liberty print or European sham as we much do! And I do think having particular preferences and taste (and sharing them with a small community of people who share those preferences) is different from gate-keeping (which is what Roman's original post was ostensibly about).

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An agent of chaos is just what this space needs! Thank you for this light-hearted reminder to not take the internet so seriously, and to write/read about anything on than recs all the time! Loved.

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I read this because the title (of course) caught my eye when surfing through Substack—how surprised am I by the sweet mention!! So happy you're enjoying the recs, and enjoyed reading your thoughts here! x

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Ahhh having you read my musings is SO exciting! My bestie and I both landed on Substack just for your newsletter, when you started it. What a full circle moment (for me). I'm working on a post related to growing up in Japan. Given your upcoming trip, I really hope you find it helpful (or at least amusing).

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I love that!! And yes, can't wait for the Japan post!!

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Apr 5Liked by Tara Bañuelos

Love this sentiment! “I am going to do my best to return to myself and drown out much of the noise on this platform.” 🙏

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Author

Thank you!! Easier said than done, of course, especially when you want subscribers to connect with. :)

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